Dr. Paul Metz

Professor of Geological Engineering, Emeritus

WHEREAS Dr. Paul Metz has served the 四虎影院 with distinction in teaching, research and public service from 1975 to 2021; and

WHEREAS Dr. Metz has taught a wide variety of geological and mining engineering courses, and his extensive experience equipped him to lead summer field and exploration courses that students have described as their most cherished memories of their education; and he served as chair for twenty graduate students and as a committee member or advisor for countless other graduate and undergraduate students; and

WHEREAS Dr. Metz led forty-six research grants during his UAF career, most recently a $5.6 million award evaluating an Alaska-Canada rail link; and he authored more than one hundred publications related to geological engineering and the mining industry, including technical contract reports and refereed journal articles; and

WHEREAS Dr. Metz made significant long-term contributions to not only the geological engineering program but also Alaska鈥檚 mining and geology industries; and he served as a director of the Alaska Miners Association; and private projects on which he has consulted have drawn millions of dollars in new capital, creating current and future jobs across the state;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the 四虎影院 expresses its deep appreciation for Dr. Paul Metz鈥檚 extensive contributions to the State of Alaska and to the University; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 四虎影院, in further recognition of the invaluable services rendered by Dr. Metz and as evidence of the University鈥檚 desire that his identification with the University be maintained, hereby salutes the recognition of Dr. Paul Metz as Professor of Geological Engineering, Emeritus; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be appropriately engrossed and signed by the Chancellor of the 四虎影院 as further evidence of the esteem and respect in which he holds Dr. Paul Metz, and conveyed to Dr. Metz on this first day of May, 2021.